Carbon Management

Pure future

Tabaqueira, S.A., is a cigarette manufacturing plant belonging to Philip Morris International, with facilities in Albarraque. The work developed by QUADRANTE/ECOPROGRESSO aimed to create an integrated solution for updating the assessment of the plant's Environmental Impacts, the Calculation of the Corporate Carbon Footprint, and identification of opportunities to reduce GHG emissions.

The achievement of the Carbon Footprint of Tabaqueira, S.A., followed the methodologies and guidelines of the WRI/WBCSD1 Greenhouse Gas Protocol (PGEE) regarding the application of the rules for reporting and calculating emissions. These methodologies follow the principles defined by ISO 14064, an international standard according to which the reporting on greenhouse gas emissions is voluntary.

The methodology adopted took into account the organizational structure of Tabaqueira in Portugal and the operational activities (processes and services) in defining the limits of the Carbon Footprint application, as stipulated in the PGEE.


The following independent operating units were considered:


  • Tabaqueira EIT – Empresa Industrial de Tabaco (Industrial Tobacco Company), which constitutes the tobacco production plant, and includes the activities carried out within the manufacturing perimeter;
  • Tabaqueira II, which constitutes the Tabaqueira Head Office and is located near the Industrial Unit;
  • The Cantina (cafeteria), which supports the manufacturing unit and the Head Office, located in a building owned by Tabaqueira;
  • The Coruche warehouse, where tobacco leaves are stored for use in the industrial process.


Opportunities were identified to reduce direct GHG emissions (vehicle fleet) and indirect GHG emissions (production of renewable electric energy, reducing energy dependence, incentives to the use of electric vehicles by employees, reduction of consumption of goods and products).

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